Teen Board of Directors

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Many of the decisions for our teen center were influenced by the students: the rooms, programs, classes - and even the name, Club 904! It is a space meant for the students to have a voice and a choice on how they want to shape the future of Club 904. To maintain that intention, a Teen Board of Directors was established. You can meet the newly elected Teen Board below:


Why did you run for Teen Board President?

“To ignite a fire among my peers that would inspire them to motivate each other and come together as one student body voice.”

What was the platform you advocated for?

“I wanted to make sure everyone’s voice was heard.”

What are your hopes for the future of Club 904?

“My hopes are that I am able to give all students a great Club 904 experience, even during a pandemic.”

Why did you run for Vice President?

“I wanted to advocate for all my fellow students and give ideas to the Board of Directors on what teens want for Club 904.”


What are you hoping to do as Vice President?

“As Vice President, I’m hoping to help bring in activities that’ll help teens achieve academically and help them get scholarships.”

What are you looking forward to seeing happen at Club 904?

“I’m looking forward to seeing more students come to Club 904 and seeing them achieve and grow, so they don’t just become another statistic.”


What is your goal as Treasurer?

“To make some awesome fundraiser ideas so other teens could have the events they want to do.”

What are you hoping to accomplish as Treasurer?

“I hope to save Club 904 money and help students at the same time.”

What drew you to the position of Treasurer?

“ Handling the income of Club 904 events.”

Why did you run for Secretary?

“I thought it would be a great way to help my peers & make a difference at Club 904.”

What will you do as Secretary?

“I would be sure to keep all the meeting records up to date and help give a voice to my fellow students.”



What are you looking forward to as A Class Rep?

“Making events happen for the Class of 2022.”

Why did you want to become a Class Representative?

“ I felt that I have great communication skills and I think I could represent my class well.”

What are you hoping to accomplish as a class rep?

“I hope to give a voice to what middle schoolers want for Club 904.”

Why did you run for Class Representative?

“I wanted to do something different and get leadership skills.”